










1月16日 最初のメーセージ



1月16日 寄付開始数時間後のメッセージ

Thank you to all who have started sharing the page and contributing in any way you can. Any amount or awareness goes a long way.
As of now there is still no communication with Tonga. I am unaware of the status of my Father in Veitongo ( Tongatapu) or my family in Haapai, they all live on the water. I am also unaware of the status of all of our Tongan people. I have shared videos and images that people have sent me on my social pages. Please note that currently all of those videos and images were before communication infrastructute was wiped out. There is currently only a trickle of information coming out of Tonga through government emergency channels. What we do know is that inevitably there will be a catastrophic financial cost to our little country. While we have high hopes and pray that loss of life or injury is low we know that damage will most definitely be high. I will continue to update you as more information comes to light… Thank you for your ongoing support.


ページをシェアしたり、できる方法で貢献し始めてくれた、すべての人に感謝します。 それが少しの寄付であっても、あるいは人々に拡散するだけでも、大いに役立ちます。
現在のところ、トンガとの通信はまだ再開していません。 私はバイトンゴ(トンガの中心地であるトンガタプ島)の父やハアパイ諸島にいる家族の状況をまだ知ることができません。彼らは皆水上に住んでいます。 私はまた、トンガのすべての人々の状況も知ることができません。 私は、皆が送ってくれたビデオや画像を、私のSNSで共有しました。 これらのビデオと画像はすべて、通信が途絶する前に送られてきたものです。 現在、政府の緊急情報メディアを通じてトンガから出てくる情報は、ほんのわずかです。今回の災害は、必然的に私たちの小さな国に壊滅的な財政的コストの負担を強いるでしょう。私たちは希望を高く持ち、人命や怪我などの犠牲が少ないことを祈っていますが、被害は間違いなく大きいことでしょう。 今後も情報が入り次第、随時更新していきます…。今後ともご支援をよろしくお願い申し上げます。


Some images that came through before communication was cut off….




1月16日 夜のメッセージ

Thank you to all of you for sharing and donating. We understand that times are tough yet you have still managed to help out, it is truly appreciated! It’s late and we have high hopes that tomorrow morning the ash would have settled enough in Tonga for the New Zealand defense force to fly across and make an assessment. Communication to Tonga is still cut off and the assumption is that the undersea cable that allows internet and phone communication is damaged.
Many Tongans around the world are in the same boat as me and worried about their families in Tonga. Praying that more information comes through tomorrow. Once again we thank you for your assistance. As communication opens up we will get a better assement of the damage and needs of the people.
Ofa Atu


ページのシェアや寄付をしてくださった皆様、ありがとうございます。 (コロナの)大変な時期の中、それでも何とかご支援をいただけて、本当に感謝しています。すでに遅い時間になりましたので、明日の朝には噴煙が落ち着き、ニュージーランド国防軍が飛行して現状調査をできることを期待しています。 トンガへの通信はまだ遮断されており、原因としてインターネットや電話の通信を可能にする海底ケーブルが損傷していると考えられています。
世界中の多くのトンガ人が私と同じ気持ちで、トンガにいる家族のことを心配しています。 明日はより多くの情報が入ってくることを祈っています。 改めてご支援いただきありがとうございます。 トンガとの通信が再開すれば、被害状況と人々が必要しているものをよりよく評価できるようになるでしょう。



Thank you to all the new supporters who have now joined and continue to help grow the fund-raiser. Its been a busy day today with a mixture of interviews and a slow leak of information coming out of Tonga through Satellite phones.

This morning both Australia and NZ sent planes to gather information about the state of the islands. Still no word on the findings.
Peter Lund the NZ high commisioner in Tonga managed to get information out that the western side of Tongatapu has been devastated with some long standing resorts being wiped out and there being damage in Nuku’alofa aswell. He did mention that so far the casualty rate in Tongatapu is low, which is fantastic news. Unconfirmed reports of two people missing off Tongatapu. Tongatapu has higher elevation than some of the lower islands. A naval ship from the Tongan military was sent to Ha’apai this morning we heard for an assessment, currently we have no news on the outcome of that. There have been some pics shared of damaged roads and bolders overturned in Haapai. This gives an indication of the strength of the water coming through.The communication cable serving Tonga is still thought to be severed and may take 1 to 2 weeks to repair, so communication may be down for a bit other than what is trickling out through satellite phones. We are being patient and I’m sure that in the coming days and weeks a lot more footage will come out. I can only imagine the fear in many

I was also told that there is a layer of ash sitting all over the islands. This will undoubtedly effect drinking water and I’m guessing respiratory health. No indication yet of an extent of the damage to schools / hospitals / infrastructure. We are speculating that it will be in the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars worth. Our primary concern is that people are ok and that life has been spared first and foremost.
I’ve spent most of the day doing interviews to bring awareness to Tonga and we are now starting to see information spread to different regions of the World. This has happened because you all have been pivotal in sharing the fund-raiser, sharing the limited footage of the damage and sharing your concern for our Tongan people.
As you’ve seen, our fund-raiser has started to find its legs and we ask that you continue your support, not just from a donation perspective but in sharing and also just reaching out to all the Tongans around the world to let them know you are there for them 🙂 It’s a tough time for many not being able to contact family members after both a volcanic eruption followed by a tsunami.

Funds wise we are waiting on communication to open so that we can do a needs assessment. Because of the amounts that are coming in I will put together a team on the ground in Tonga to help assess need as soon as that can be done.
There have been reports from volcanologists that the volcanic activity may not yet be over and so we are vigilant and I’m sure so too are the people through the islands. Regardless of whether there is more to come I know that every person in Tonga will have so much gratitude for you all. In the time of need you stood up and stepped forward. We appreciate you all.

ofa atu



私は一日のほとんどをインタビューに費やし、トンガのことを知ってもらうよう努めました。お蔭様で今では世界のさまざまな地域に情報が広まっているのがわかります。これはひとえに、皆さんが寄付サイトをシェアし、限られた被害状況を共有し、トンガの人々に対する思いやりを分かち合って下さったお蔭です。ご覧のとおり、私たちの寄付募金活動はその足がかりを見つけ始めています。寄付の観点からだけでなく、情報共有や、世界中のすべてのトンガ人に「あなたのためにいますよ」と知らせて、支援を継続していただきたいと思います(^^) 火山の噴火とそれに続く津波が来ている中で、多くの世界中のトンガ人が家族と連絡をとることができないのは辛い状況です。


ofa atu(愛を込めて)



Thank you for your service to our little Island Angela. Ofa atu.

Its with great sadness to report that Angela Glovers body has been found in Nuku’alofa as reported by Barbara Dreaver of TVNZ. Her and her husband James had set-up the TAWS – Tongan Animal Welfare Society to provide rehabilitation for stray dogs. They also opened up the happy sailor Tattoo shop in Nuku’alofa and gave lessons in tattoo art.
When the waves hit Nuku’alofa James and Angela ran, Angela turned around and went back for some of the dogs and was washed away. For days they were holding out to hear from her, this morning they got the sad news.
Both James and Angela loved the Tongan people and were setting up a life there. Thank you Angela for all the love you gave to both the people and pups of Tonga.
Ofa atu

アンジェラ、私たちの小さな島へのご奉仕に感謝します。a atu(愛を込めて)

TVNZのBarbara Dreaver(バーバラ・ドレバー)氏によって報道されたように、アンジェラ・グローバーズの遺体がヌクアロファで発見されました。とても悲しいことです。 彼女と彼女の夫のジェームズは、野良犬のリハビリテーションを提供するために「TAWS-トンガ動物福祉協会」を設立しました。 彼らはまた、ヌクアロファに幸せな船乗りのタトゥーショップを開き、タトゥーアートのレッスンを行っていました。
津波がヌクアロファに到達した時、ジェームズとアンジェラは逃げましたが、アンジェラは振り返って何匹かの犬のために戻り、そこで流されました。 彼らは何日も彼女からの連絡を待っていましたが、今朝彼らは悲しい知らせを受け取りました。
ジェームズとアンジェラはどちらもトンガの人々を愛し、トンガに腰を落ち着けて生活をしていました。 トンガの人々と子犬にあなたが与えたすべての愛に、アンジェラに感謝したいと思います。
Ofa atu(愛を込めて)



Welcome all to the new supporters and thank you to all supporters as we reach the half way mark of the fundraiser. I feel humbled knowing that all of you from around the world have supported Tonga in her time of need. The outpouring of positivity that you have all brought is truly amazing.

It’s been a long 24 hrs with many updates coming out of Tonga and abroad.
Firstly it’s with sadness that I report that the death toll has increased with Lady and Male from the haapai Islands passing away.

The island of mango had every home wiped out and other islands including Nomuka suffered massive damage.

The whole country is now covered in ash and communication is still minimal to the outside world. There are reports of some being able to contact loved ones briefly through basic satellite connection by one of the network providers.

From an aid perspective we were able to get the first load of initial response kits out from the Brisbane warehouse and onto the HMAS Adelaide. This aid was made possible thanks to the hard work between UNICEF and the Australian Government. The kits included sanitary kits, basic water purification kits and recreational kits. This is work I’ve been with UNICEF as their Goodwill ambassador to the Pacific. There were also local businesses that had packed pallets of donations bound for Tonga. Some of these items included gumboots and Workboots , surely needed for all the work that will be done in the coming months.

The first Australian military plane also just landed in Tonga to deliver much needed aid and was met by the Prime Minister Siaosi Sovaleni after hundreds of volunteers swept the run way with brooms allowing the plane to land.

The scale of the devastation in Tonga is just starting to be seen. Every island is covered by a very thick layer of ash. This layer affects the air quality along with drinking water and crops. There is fear for the respiratory health of residents; with the prime Minister requesting people wear masks if available while outside.

One of Tongas largest exports is agriculture and there is grave concern for the agriculture of the island which provides both local food and income for residents. Plants are covered in Ash preventing photosynthesis. Volcanic ash which can enrichen soil in the long term is detrimental in the short term due to the amount of Sulphur. I’m sure experts in the field will at some stage inform us of the composition of the ash and its overall effect, but for now it isn’t looking good.

Once communication is back up we can better address need and build a local team to help with our efforts.
Going forward will be a long hard battle as we try to find ways to creatively meet local needs whilst building up even stronger. These efforts are going to be a marathon and not a sprint. I thank you all for you love, patience and continued support as we navigate forward towards assisting Tonga.
ofa atu










ofa atu(愛を込めて)



Morning all. I’ve reached out to one of the two big bakeries on Ha’apai and offered to kick of the ‘ immediate needs’ portion of the fundraiser to help cover costs for bread in Haapai till more help arrives. This includes costs for flour, sugar etc. Haapai was heavily hit by the tsunami with all homes on mango island being destroyed and many others around the islands suffering damage.

Still waiting to hear back as communication is sporadic. We will also be funding fuel costs for small boats in Haapai to deliver fresh bread to some of the outer islands. We are looking to find someone local with a boat to do these deliveries but with comms down this is challenging. Small boats aren’t always structurally reliable and can be expensive to operate for locals. If you know of someone and can contact them ( the challenging part) let us know.

We are also looking for anyone who is able to get through to the bakery at Ha’atou and If there is one on Nomuka which was also heavily hit to inform them that we will assist with these costs.

This is just the start and while our focus is on medium to longer term projects to help rebuild we are trying to fill gaps in ‘ immediate needs’ . Bread may seem trivial for some but In Tonga, bread and tea is a staple for breakfast and in the evenings and brings both a full belly and wide smile ! All of this is being made possible from your help.
We are just getting started.
Ofa atu all














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